April 27, 2024

Five Compelling Reasons Why Men Need a Massage Therapy

Men’s massage and spa treatment are increasingly becoming popular.  While women mostly visit spa and massage parlors for pampering, men are more into gaining physical and mental wellbeing.

Generally, a massage works to relax the body both mentally and physically. Because both men and women equally carry out activities that cause their bodies to strain, there are many reasons you should go for that massage, as a man. A good and regular male massage in Abu Dhabi, will leave you more relaxed and energized to face the next day. Here are five compelling reasons why men should experience massage therapy.

Reduces Stress

A massage session triggers a feedback in the body known as relaxation feedback. When this happens, your breathing rate, heart rate goes down, as well as blood pressure. This decreases your stress hormones and automatically increases the levels of serotonin. This is the hormone responsible for positively influencing your feelings and thinking. A regular massage session will therefore leave you relaxed, and this helps to reduce depression, hypertension, and insomnia.

Relieves Chronic Muscle Pain

When your skin is touched or considerable physical pressure is asserted on your body during a massage session, it causes a mechanical response from the body, which includes relaxation of muscle tissue. Relaxed muscle tissues mean a reduction in painful spasms and contraction. A full-body session will therefore result in relief from pain and general tiredness.

Improved Sleep

If you are struggling to get enough sleep, then consider having a massage. Serotonin, which is also known as “a feel-good hormone” is related to better sleep. The relaxation response to massage causes an increase in serotonin. This in turn boosts your mood and helps you fall asleep faster. You will also sleep longer than usual.

Workout and Sports Recovery

Men who engage in sports and workouts need regular massage sessions. This is because sports activities often strain the body muscles. There are several sports massages carried out before, during, and after sports to decrease the chances of injury, increase the body’s elasticity and reduce the feeling of tensed muscles.

Skin Benefits

A full body massage is helpful in reducing the dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin. This leads to an evenly smooth skin tone. The massage also improves blood flow throughout your skin and increase tissue regeneration. Don’t get left out, go for Moroccan bath Abu Dhabi today!

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